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Biological Databases
- Protein Structure and Sequence PDB: RCSB Protein Structure Database
- Pubmed Literature search at NCBI
- NCBI National Center for Biotechnology Information
- GQuery Sequence search from NCBI
- BLAST NCBI sequence homology search
- VAST Structure-structure similarity search at NCBI
- EXPASY SIB Bioinformatics Resource Portal
- Proteomics EXPASY Protein structure analysis tools
- DALI Comparing protein structures in 3D
- MSA Multiple Sequence Alignment at EMBL-EBI
- BioMagResBank NMR database at Wisconsin Madison
- NDB Nucleic Acid Database (Rutgers)
- GDB Genome Databases
- ProDom Protein Domain Database
- Pfam Protein Domain Family Database
- CAS Chemical Abstracts Services
- MSDS Material Safety Data Sheet Online
Other NMR Sites
- CMR - Griffin group at MIT
- ETH - Wuthrich group at Zurich
- UCHC NMR Tools - RNMRTK script generator and other utilities
- NMRFAM - Markley group at University of Wisconsin: BioMagResBank
- Bax-NIH - Bax Group: NMRPipe, TALOS
- Kay - Lewis Kay Group at University of Toronto
- UCSF - Software available: MARDIGRAS, CORMA, SPARKY
- UTMB - Univ. of Texas, Medical branch NMR center: MORASS
- IFAS - NMR Information Server
- NMR Knowledge Base - NMR tips and links
- Temp Cal - Online NMR temperature calibration calculator (at
- Bruker USA - Bruker NMR web site
- Agilent - Varian Instruments
Harvard University